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10 months? 14 weeks? Or 4 months?
Are you finding it difficult to determine what age to desex your pet?
There are so many different factors to take into consideration when determining the right time to desex, including your pets breed, size, weight and current health.
Which is why it’s important to talk to your local vet about what is right for your pet.
Aside from the most obvious advantage, which is the prevention of accidental pregnancy, there are many other benefits to desexing your pet.
Desexing your pet can help prevent certain illnesses, such as mammary cancer and uterine infections in females and prostate problems in males.
From a behavioural perspective, desexing can reduce roaming, aggression and urine marking in males and prevent mating behaviour and false pregnancy in females. By reducing the desire to roam you are also reducing the risk of your cat being hit by a car.
And there is also a financial saving when you desex your pet as local councils charge less for registration of desexed pets.
Have you ever wondered what processes are involved when getting your pet desexed?
Desexing is a safe and simple surgery performed under general anesthetic in a veterinary surgery.
Desexing of females is also known as spaying. It usually involves removing both the ovaries and uterus, however sometimes only the ovaries are removed.
Desexing of males is also called as castration or neutering and it involves the removal of both testicles.
As with all surgery, there will be some tenderness immediately after the procedure, but most pets will recover very quickly. However, If you have any concerns or questions talk to your Vet prior to the surgery.
Your dog may be eager to jump in the water or your cat may be itching to chase the mouse pestering the house post surgery….it’s important to keep a close eye on them!
Make sure to avoid over exercising your pet and try to keep your dog or cat from licking the stitched area. It’s important to keep the wound clean to prevent sinister infections from growing.
Complications are not common, however if your pet pulls the sutures out, if you notice any swelling and inflammation around the incision or signs your animal is in pain, be sure to contact your local vet.
The most common age recommended to desex your cat is around 5-6 months old.
Historically it was similar with dogs, however now we are understanding there may be some benefits to delaying desexing in the medium to large breed dogs which may include improved behaviour, decreased risks of some orthopaedic conditions and decreased risks of some cancers.
Pets can be desexed as early as 12 weeks which can cause some issues later on.
Studies performed by the Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association indicate early desexing can cause long term issues such as:
Our recommendation is to desex your pet when they are slightly older so they are ready for the surgery and can avoid issues later on in life.
Before any surgery doctors are required to outline the risks of an operation so their patients can make an informed decision…veterinarians have the same responsibility to pet owners!
When putting any animal under surgery there is always a risk of a reaction to the anesthetic. We encourage owners to only go through with the surgery if your pet is healthy so they will have a quick recovery.
Like humans every pet is different, so contact us to find out if your pet is ready to be desexed.
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